Kamis, 28 Januari 2010


AN-AM ( The Cattle )

God Said that never did a single One of the Signs of their Lord reach them, but they turned away thereform. God also Said that they now reject the truth when it reaches them

If we travel through the earth we will see what was the end of those who rejected the truth.
The Angels will say to the unbelieves:"Taste you then the penalty because you rejected faith"
God never Harms those who serve Him ( Sura 3 )

71.God Said that God's Guidance is the only Guidance and all of us have been Directed to submit ourselves to God, The Lords of the world.

82. God Said that those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong, they are truly in security, for they are on right guidance.

125. God Said that those whom God Will to Guide, He Opened their breasts to Islam.

134. God Said that all that have been promised unto us will come to pass

142. God Said that of the cattle are some for burden and some for meat,

153. God Said that the contents of holybook is His Way, Leading Straight, He Asks us to follow it.
